02/12/2018, 13:22:51
Pour cela il faut appuyer longtemp sur le bouton de prg , la led doit clignoter.
Ne pas oublier que par defaut l'interface web n'est accessible que pendant 30min je crois apres un reset.
Citation :Transfer of the physical address and the application of the E-Mail Client. For this, the
programming button must be pressed long. The programming LED flashes red.
6. After successful transfer of the physical address and the application, the red LED turns off
7. Accessing the Web client to configure the e-mail addresses by opening an Internet browser
and call the address: http:\\IP address: port, for example: http: \\ for the
IP address 192.168 .1.178 and the http port 8080
Ne pas oublier que par defaut l'interface web n'est accessible que pendant 30min je crois apres un reset.
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