Oui pour l'IP je vais surement faire comme toi directement depuis la box. Mais bon j'aurai aimé savoir comment faire ;-) donc si quelqu'un peut m'aiguiller.
Par contre pour le password je pige pas le problème.... Car après reboot je garde ma config....sauf ces p.... de passwords mais aussi l'adresse http://openhabianpi:8080 qui n'est pas accessible... alors qu'en entrant l'IP cela fonctionne. strange.
Mon log de first boot
Oui pour l'IP je vais surement faire comme toi directement depuis la box. Mais bon j'aurai aimé savoir comment faire ;-) donc si quelqu'un peut m'aiguiller.
Par contre pour le password je pige pas le problème.... Car après reboot je garde ma config....sauf ces p.... de passwords mais aussi l'adresse http://openhabianpi:8080 qui n'est pas accessible... alors qu'en entrant l'IP cela fonctionne. strange.
Mon log de first boot
Code :
2018-03-13_22:53:42_UTC [openHABian] Starting the openHABian initial setup.
2018-03-13_22:53:42_UTC [openHABian] Storing configuration... OK
2018-03-13_22:53:42_UTC [openHABian] Changing default username and password... OK
2018-12-25_20:38:39_UTC [openHABian] Setting up Ethernet connection... OK
2018-12-25_20:38:39_UTC [openHABian] Ensuring network connectivity... OK
2018-12-25_20:38:40_UTC [openHABian] Waiting for dpkg/apt to get ready... OK
2018-12-25_20:38:58_UTC [openHABian] Updating repositories and upgrading installed packages... OK
2018-12-25_20:43:24_UTC [openHABian] Installing git package... OK
2018-12-25_20:43:50_UTC [openHABian] Cloning myself... OK
2018-12-25_20:43:52_UTC [openHABian] Executing ' unattended'...
2018-12-25_20:43:52_UTC [openHABian] Checking for root privileges... OK
2018-12-25_20:43:52_UTC [openHABian] Loading configuration file '/etc/openhabian.conf'... OK
2018-12-25_20:43:52_UTC [openHABian] Setting timezone based on IP geolocation... OK (Europe/Paris)
2018-12-25_21:44:55_CET [openHABian] Setting locale based on openhabian.conf... OK
2018-12-25_21:45:19_CET [openHABian] Setting hostname of the base system... OK
2018-12-25_21:45:19_CET [openHABian] Setting the GPU memory split down to 16MB for headless system... OK
2018-12-25_21:45:19_CET [openHABian] Enabling Audio output... OK
2018-12-25_21:45:19_CET [openHABian] Installing basic can't-be-wrong packages (screen, vim, ...)... OK
2018-12-25_21:45:59_CET [openHABian] Installing additional needed packages... OK
2018-12-25_21:46:10_CET [openHABian] Installing additional bluetooth packages... OK
2018-12-25_21:46:15_CET [openHABian] Adding slightly tuned bash config files to system... OK
2018-12-25_21:46:15_CET [openHABian] Adding slightly tuned vim config file to system... OK
2018-12-25_21:46:15_CET [openHABian] Downloading and setting up FireMotD... OK
2018-12-25_21:46:33_CET [openHABian] Installing Zulu Embedded OpenJDK... OK
2018-12-25_21:48:07_CET [openHABian] Installing or upgrading to latest openHAB release (stable)... OK
2018-12-25_21:48:36_CET [openHABian] Adding an openHAB dashboard tile for 'openhabiandocs'... OK
2018-12-25_21:48:37_CET [openHABian] Adding openHAB syntax to vim editor... OK
2018-12-25_21:48:37_CET [openHABian] Adding openHAB syntax to nano editor... OK
2018-12-25_21:48:38_CET [openHABian] Adding openHAB scheme to multitail... OK
2018-12-25_21:48:38_CET [openHABian] Preparing openHAB folder mounts under /srv/... OK
2018-12-25_21:48:38_CET [openHABian] Applying file permissions recommendations... OK
2018-12-25_21:48:39_CET [openHABian] Applying miscellaneous system settings... OK
2018-12-25_21:48:39_CET [openHABian] Setting up Samba network shares... OK
2018-12-25_21:49:15_CET [openHABian] Installing Node.js (prerequisite for other packages)... OK
2018-12-25_21:49:44_CET [openHABian] Installing the openHAB Log Viewer (frontail)... OK
2018-12-25_21:50:13_CET [openHABian] Adding an openHAB dashboard tile for 'frontail'... OK
2018-12-25_21:50:13_CET [openHABian] Execution of ' unattended' completed.
2018-12-25_21:50:13_CET [openHABian] Waiting for openHAB to become ready... OK
2018-12-25_21:50:48_CET [openHABian] Visit the openHAB dashboard now: http://openHABianPi:8080
2018-12-25_21:50:48_CET [openHABian] To gain access to a console, simply reconnect.
2018-12-25_21:50:48_CET [openHABian] First time setup successfully finished.